Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A History of Charlotte Pike

Here is a short video I put together on the history of Charlotte and where it is today. This video was used in a presentation that I helped give this week to the Nashville Agenda group.

Nashville's Agenda 2007 was a citywide goal-setting project to gauge again what Nashvillians think is needed to make Nashville the best it can be. This process was initiated in the 90s and spurned things like the greenway system and the Frist Center for the Arts.

I serve on the economic development committee and one of our tasks is researching and analyzing what needs to happen in order to revitalize Charlotte Pike. Out of all of the ideas that came out of the community meetings, revitalizing Charlotte has become one of the three top priorities of this committee. Riverfront development and college graduate retention are the other initiatives receiving attention.

I plan to attend the upcoming West Nashville Community meetings in order to relay information to the committee.

For now, enjoy the video.

West Nashville Community Plan Date Change

The originally scheduled community meeting for the West Nashville Community Plan update (September 30) has been moved to Thursday, October 16.

Meeting time is still 6:00 pm, but the location will now be at the Cohn Adult Learning Center at 4805 Park Avenue, across from Richland Park.

Below is a map and complete schedule of the process.

Please plan to attend!

PDF DocumentMap and complete meeting schedule