Friday, March 27, 2009

West Nashville Community Coalition Meeting Monday, March 30th

Since late last year the West Nashville United Methodist Church has been organizing community based meetings in order to have a group discussion on the crime problems that have been plaguing the West Nashville area. The next meeting is scheduled for next Monday, March 30th at 6pm at the West Nashville United Methodist Church, located on Charlotte at 48th Avenue. Here is the information sent from Associate Pastor Sherry Cothran Woolsey:

Dear All:

Our next West Nashville Community Coalition meeting will take place this coming Monday, March 30th at 6:00 p.m. at West Nashville United Methodist Church at 4710 Charlotte Ave. (48th & Charlotte). Lt. Pylkas and our community Metro Police liason, Sgt. Conni Tripp will be joining us and Neighborhood Resource Center's own Tiffany Israel and Blaine Ray will facilitate our meeting. Please make plans to attend and invite neighbors. Following is a proposed agenda:

West Nashville Community Coalition


6:00pm- Welcome & Introductions, Sherry Cothran Woolsey

6:10pm- January Meeting Updates (crime issues), Blaine Ray

6:30pm- Youth Engagement Panel Discussion, Tiffany Israel

7:00pm- Identify Next Steps, Tiffany Israel

7:30pm- Adjourn

For more information, please contact Sherry at 297-3216, extension 23 or