Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Nashville West sells for $73M, looks to add more retail in 2013

From the Nashville Post today....

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Some briefs...

Not a lot to report on lately, but here is a round up on all things Charlotte Avenue over the latter part of this spring...

• OneCity has Earl Swensson Associates working up the designs on the first two buildings while they try to lure two anchor tenants to their highly anticipated healthcare campus at the newly constructed 28th/31st Avenue Connector. Read here.

• They're pushing dirt around and tearing down the old Hansen dealership that served as Greyhound's temporary bus depot over in the North Gulch (11th & Charlotte). Northwestern Mutual owns a large chunk of land in this area and there have been rumors of tenants such as Publix and Target anchoring a major retail project here. Read about the speculation in earlier posts on what could happen here.

• Well, Bobbie's Dairy Dip should be happy...for some reason or another, the Krystal located right next door to the famous burger/ice cream joint has boarded up its windows and closed down. Another decrepit abandoned building to add to Charlotte's luster.

• The Stone Fox, while not directly on Charlotte Avenue, should be a welcome business once it opens it's doors. Read about West Nashville's newest (and only?) live music venue here.

That's all folks!