The City Paper ran a story today that sheds a little light on the deed restrictions attached to the former Charlotte Avenue Church of Christ at the corner of 46th and Charlotte. In the original deed dated ca. 1921, the land was donated to the original congregation with the stipulation that the property would only be intended for 'church use or purpose'. The Tennessee Preservation Trust a non-profit group that advocates preservation issues throughout the state, received a letter from the Tennessee Attorney General stating that is aware of the deed restrictions on the property and plans to intercede if the property is sold for anything other than church use.
Excerpts from article:
...The Attorney General wrote a letter to the TPT stating that it would not intercede with with the potential demolition of the building, but would do so if the property was sold for a non-church use.
"...If there is such an offer to purchase or lease the property for a use that is inconsistent with a 'church use of purpose' and therefore, in violation of the deed restriction, our Office will take whatever action it believes necessary and appropriate to fulfill our statutory duties with respect to charitable gifts," the Attorney General letter from senior counsel Janet Kleinfelter states.
...Elders from the Charlotte Heights Church of Christ told the City Paper there was no update on selling the property, adding that the church believes it can field offers to sell the land for commercial use.
Church elder Wendell Talley said there are no plans, yet, to tear down the building before the property is sold, but that could happen in the future.
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