According to the report, since the state owns the property, Metro Codes has absolutely no power when it comes to enforcing action on the property. Furthermore, a spokesperson for the state says there are no plans to rehab the property that they some day hope to sell. Unfortunately, selling the property does not seem like an option in the forseeable future.
Hopefully this report will light a fire under someone's you know what, and get the state to possibly put it on the market.
To see the story, click here.
It's such a cool building...I hope they don't tear it down!
I really love this building. I agree with Anon, it shouldn't be demolished! It would be great if the terms of sale could be written up so that x% of the original external structure must remain intact. Such a provision might lower the sale price, but the state is already losing money on these properties. The prudent thing for them to do would be to get rid of unneeded parcels by putting them in the hands of somebody who actually CARES!
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